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Encyclopaedia of the North East

D - Dag to doric

A large ornate printed capital letter D with pistols, short swords, books and a fossil.

 n a type of hand firearm, a pistol; 
2 v to shoot. 

In Scotland, a country whose independence for centuries was only maintained by force of arms, and whose internal history down to the middle of the 18th century was a record of civil wars and family feuds, the possession of arms was a necessity and not a luxury.
C.E. Whitelaw 1923. Scottish Firearms.


dinosaur n
literally 'terrible lizard'; an extinct member of the order Dinosauria; popularly a large prehistoric reptile

In the sandstone quarries around Elgin a hundred years ago people found traces of scaly skins and bones. These turned out to be fossils of reptiles from the Permian and Triassic periods (280 to 210 million years ago) that lived amongst the river and dune systems which bordered the Grampian Highlands. Some of these were 'mammal-like reptiles' which were related to the earliest mammals, while others were the ancestors of the dinosaurs. A 60cm long early dinosaur that hopped (Saltopus elginensis) was also found.


durk la16c-dirk 19c- 
1 n a dagger. 
2 n a stab, a prod. la19c- 
3 vt to stab with a durk la16c-e20c

What slaughter made I wi ma durk, 
Amo Sarpedons troop!
David Fergusson 1785 A Selection of Scottish Poems Chiefly in the Broad Buchan Dialect.


Doric n 
A Greek dialect, or any dialect thought to resemble it. The language of North-East Scotland
The broad, hard dialect spoken by the natives of Doris, Greece. Hence any broad rustic dialect, and especially that of Scotland's Brewers Dictionary of Phrase & Fable 1970.