Q - Quaich to quernie

quaich 18-, quhaich em>e16
1 n A drinking cup, usually wooden staved but also made from silver.
2 n A bowl-shaped depression in the landscape.
The quaich is of highland origin, the name being a corruption of the Gaelic cuach, a cup. The shape is familiar to most of us... wide and shallow, with wedge-shaped horizontal handles which to the convivially minded, seem to invite a hearty grasp, and which certainly facilitate its being passed from hand to hand when circulated as a loving cup.
F Marian McNeill, 1956, The Scots Cellar
1 n A stone hand mill for grinding grain.
2 adj Full of grains or granules la18-
The cronach stills the dowie heart,
the jurram stills the bairnie;
but the music fur a hungry wame's
the grindin o' the quernie.
And loes me o' ma little quernie!
grind the gradden, grind it:
we'll a get crowdie when its done,
and bannocks steeve tae bind it.
'The Quern Lilt' traditional song

Saddle quern, the oldest type of quern, Newhills (c200BC-300AD).

Rotary quern, as used until the 19th century in the North East to grind the daily (oat) meal, New Machar (17th - 18th cent.)

Pepper mill of a type used frequently in the North East until recently, Fyvie (late 19th cent.)