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Encyclopaedia of the North East

D,E - Deer to Elgin

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A large, printed lower case letter D, and a capital letter E in a square box with an illustration of a bird standing behind it, with traps, horns, stone carvings and a sword.

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deer n 
An animal of the Cervidae, often hunted for sport and prized for its meat; 
hist any small animal. 

Calum flung himself upon the deer, clasped it round the neck and tried to comfort it. Terrified more than ever, it dragged him about with it in its mortal agony. Its blood came off onto his face and hands. Duror followed by his dogs came leaping out of the wood. He seemed to be laughing in some kind of berzerk joy. There was a knife in his hand, he threw Calum off with furious force, and then, seizing the deer's head with one hand cut its throat savagely with the other.
Robin Jenkins 1955. The Cone-Gatherers. 

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Elgin n 
The principal town of Moray, formerly the seat of the Bishop of Moray. 

The High Church of Moray, "the lanthorn of the North", the supreme example of Scottish church architecture in the great building period of the thirteenth century the double aisles of the nave are purely French; elsewhere in Britain they are found only in Chichester and Manchester "the special ornament of the realm, the glory of the Kingdom, the delight of foreigners and stranger guests; an object of praise and glorification in foreign realms by reason of the multitude serving and the beauty of its ornament, and in which we believe God was rightly worshipped; not to speak of its high belfries, its sumptious furniture and its innumerable jewels."
W Douglas Simpson 1965. The Ancient Stones of Scotland.