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Encyclopaedia of the North East

C - Christenin, christening to corbie

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A large printed capital letter C with crows, a christening dress and a cradle.

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christenin, christening n 
The ceremony of baptism into the Christian Church 
usu performed on children and infants. 

Death might come and take away the young one, and if not baptised its name could not be written in the Book of Life, and heaven was closed against it. The system of registration has in a great measure put an end to this anxiety. Oh sir said a wife to the minister, this registration's the warst thing the queentry ever saw; it sud be deen awa wee athegeethir. 
Why? Asked the minister 
It' ll pi oot kirsnin athegeethir. Ye see the craitirs gets thir names, an we jist think that eneuch,an we're in nae hurry sennin fur ye.
Rev. Walter Gregor 1881. Notes on the Folklore of North East Scotland. 

C - Christenin, christening to corbie