C - Caledonian forest to Copland, Patrick

Caledonian adj
Pertaining to ancient Caledonia, the highlands of Scotland, or to Scotland generally.
~ Forest n
The primeval forest of Scotland.
The North East landscape was not always as treeless as it appears now. The predation of sheep and man in the lowlands and the activities of man, sheep and deer in the highlands have reduced the great natural Caledonian forests to a few restricted areas, the last refuge for a variety of plants and animals.

Capercailzie, Tetrao urogallus.

Male (top) and female (bottom) crossbills, Loxia curvirostra.
LEMUR:1000042, 1000043
Copland, Patrick physicist;
b 1749 Fintray Manse,Aberdeenshire
d 10 November 1822 Fonthill House, Aberdeen.
Professor of Natural Philosophy in Marischal College (1775), Professor of Mathematics in Marischal College (1779).
He enjoyed considerable local reputation as a teacher but his claim to notice lies in the pains he took to form a collection of models and other scientific apparatus suitable for a museum of Natural Philosophy. Hardly anything of the kind was known in the North of Scotland. Copeland was also among the first to extend the knowledge of science beyond academic circles by means of a popular course of natural philosophy.
WGB National Dictionary of Biography.

Model used by Copland to demonstrate the principles of pulleys.

Model of windmill vanes used by Copland to illustrate air resistance. Made by Copland's assistant John King.

Low friction bearing, originally part of an Atwood machine. Made by Patrick Copland.

Balancing cube demonstrating centre of gravity, made by Patrick Copland.