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Encyclopaedia of the North East

B - Ball, carved stone to Beaker

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A large red manuscript capital letter B, with carved stone balls, ceramic beakers and implements for making and cooking bannocks.

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ball, carved stone 19c- n
Small, spherical stone object of unknown use found mainly in NE Scotland, prob made c2500BC. 

attached to sticks and used as weapons
J Smith 1876 

mounted as mace-heads 
Joseph Anderson 1883 

moveable poises on primitive weighing machines 
L Mann 1914 

the same abnormal distribution as the so-called Pictish symbols
V Gordon Childe 1931 

thrown competitively from one place to another 
E Evans 1957 

prestige objects 
E MacKie 1976 

used at clan conferences, the chief handling it as he considered a judgement 
D N Marshall 1977 

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bannock 17c-, bannok la16c-e17c n 
1 A round flat cake, usu of oat-, barley- or pease-meal, baked on a girdle la16c-. 
2 A quantity of meal sufficient to make a bannock, due to the servant of a mill from each of those using it la16c-18c. 
3 A flat cake (of tallow or wax) la16c-e19c. 
~ stane n 
A stone placed in the fire, on which bannocks were baked la18c-e20c 
[nME bannok, OE bannuc; cfGael bonnach, bannach]. 

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Beaker n 
A large drinking bowl or cup 
specif a type of prehistoric pottery. 

Usually discovered by chance, either during deep ploughing or gravel quarrying careful excavation reveals a fragmentary skeleton, laid on its side with its legs drawn up to the chin, and, lying beside the body, a highly decorated, hand made pot this pot, or beaker, has been commonly used to name the Late Neolithic inhabitants of the Grampian Region (c2700-1700BC).
Ian A.G. Shepherd 1986 Powerful Pots

B - Ball, carved stone to Beaker