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Encyclopaedia of the North East

N,O - Neep to oil

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Large printed capital letters N and O, with bowls and spoons, farming tools and a lamp.

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neep la17-
1 n A turnip, the swollen edible root of Brassica rapa or of the Swedish turnip Brassica rutabaga. 
2 n A dunderhead, a stupid person.

Views differs as to whether turnips are a necessary crop or not, and some people have even given up growing them. But on the whole they are a very useful crop; cattle like them very much and thrive on them so it is likely that they will continue to be grown in most parts of the country where conditions are suitable.
James Keith 1954 Fifty Years of Farming.

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oat(s) n

A type of grass, the seeds of which are much used as food.

A grain, which in England is generally given to horses, but in Scotland supports the people. 
Samuel Johnson 1747-1755, Dictionary of the English Language

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oil n
A greasy and often flammable liquid obtained from platns, animals or mineral sources, often used as a lubricant, fuel or food.

The oil business has had connections with the North East for 120 years. Durris estate on the Dee was once the residence of 'Paraffin' Young, one of the earliest pioneers of mineral oil production. Aberdeen is now dubbed as the 'oil capital' of Europe. Yet little oil actually reaches its shores; the North Sea production is pumped to refineries in the South or further afield. It is the money and employment for servicing this pumping that in part remains, although only as long as the oil can be pumped economically.