Browse Items
- 1780s
- 1810s
- 1830s
- 1840s
- 1850s
- 1860s
- 1870s
- 1880s
- 1890s
- 1900s
- 1910s
- 1920s
- 1930s
- aberdeen
- aberdeenshire
- aberdonians
- Abolition
- Achilles
- Acts of Union
- afterlife
- Alabaster
- Alexander Henderson
- Alexander Moir
- Alexander Reid
- Alexander Thomson
- Amen Ra
- americas
- amphora
- amulet
- amulet votive
- ancient egypt
- anklet
- antelope
- Anubis
- ape
- archive
- archives
- argillite
- armlet
- armour
- arrow
- arrow head
- Athene
- axe
- axehead
- axle hoop
- Aztec
- Ba-bird
- Babylon
- badge
- bag
- bajanella
- Ball games
- ball stone
- Ballads
- balsam
- bamboo
- band
- bark
- Barron
- basalt
- bashee
- basket
- basket hilt sword
- Bast
- Baton
- battle
- Beaches
- beads
- beads necklace
- beaker
- beam
- bell
- belt
- belts
- Bergamo
- Bes
- bes figure
- bird
- black
- black glaze
- black leather
- black paintings
- blade
- blanket
- blue glazed
- blue porcelain
- blue-glazed
- boar
- board
- boars
- boat
- Bodhisattva
- bodkin
- bolsal
- bolt
- bone
- bonnie prince Charlie
- book
- book of the dead
- boot
- botanical
- bottle
- bottle jar
- bowl
- box
- box chest
- bracelet
- branks
- brass
- bread stamp
- breast
- Bridge
- bridle
- britain
- bronze
- brooch
- brown
- brush
- Buddah
- Buddha
- Buddhist priest
- buffalo
- bugles
- Burma
- burner
- Burning kelp
- bust
- bust. (Lydia Lopokova)
- C Sir
- cabinet
- calabash
- Caledonian war
- canaletto in aberdeen
- candelabrum
- candle.stick
- canoe
- canoe boat
- canopic
- canopic jar
- canopic jar cover
- cap
- cap hat
- cape
- Caravanella
- caricature
- carnelian
- carved
- carved wood
- carving
- case
- Case 1
- Case 10
- Case 11
- Case 12
- Case 13
- Case 14
- Case 16
- Case 17
- Case 18
- Case 19
- Case 2
- Case 20
- Case 21
- Case 22
- Case 23
- Case 24
- Case 25
- Case 26
- Case 27
- Case 28
- Case 29
- Case 3
- Case 30
- Case 31
- Case 32
- Case 33
- Case 34
- Case 35
- Case 36
- Case 38
- Case 39
- Case 4
- Case 40
- Case 41
- Case 42
- Case 43
- Case 44
- Case 46
- Case 47
- Case 48
- Case 5
- Case 6
- Case 8
- Case 9
- cash
- casket
- cat
- cauldron
- censer
- central Sudan
- ceramic
- chaco
- chain
- chain armour
- chair
- chalice
- charities
- charity
- Charles Burnett
- Charles Edward Stewart
- Charles Hunt
- charles II
- Charles Stewart
- charm
- Charm Box
- Charm Boxes
- charm stone
- Cherokee Beadwork
- chest of drawers
- Child portrait
- child's pen
- Childhood
- children
- Chilkat Tlingit
- Chinese
- Chinese female
- chisel
- chorten
- church
- cinerary
- City life
- clasp
- clay
- cloak
- cloth
- cloth beads
- club
- coal
- coat
- coat jerkin
- coffin
- coin
- collar
- comb
- Commander Gordon
- compass
- conch
- cone
- conquistador
- container
- Copland
- copper wire
- core
- cosmetic
- cosmetic set
- cradle
- crochet
- Crofting
- Croquet
- cross
- cross lock
- cross.slab
- crown
- cup
- cup bowl
- cup dish
- cylinder
- cylindrical
- D.R
- dagger
- dance
- Dara
- David and Abigail
- David and Goliath
- death.mask
- device
- diary
- Dionysis
- disc
- disc crescent
- dish
- Distaff
- document
- dog
- doll
- dolls
- door knocker
- Doric
- double edged
- double-headed bird
- Dr Alexander Henderson
- Dr W.E Henderson
- Dresses
- drinking
- drum
- Duaga
- Duguid
- duncan
- Duthie Park
- dwarf
- ear-rings
- Earl of Marischal
- earring
- Egypt
- Egyptian
- Egyptian Collections
- Egyptian timeline
- Elephantine
- England
- engraving
- equestrian
- Eric Linklater
- Ewart
- face
- face mask
- faience
- fan
- feathers
- female
- fibbia fibula
- fibula
- Fiesole
- Fife
- figure
- figure idol
- figure statuette
- figures
- figurine
- Fish
- Fish curing
- Fishing
- Fishing Industry
- Fishwives
- flanged
- flask
- flat
- flute
- fly whisk
- Food production
- foot model
- Forbes
- fork
- Fountains
- fragment inscription
- fragment of stone
- fragment vase
- fragment.
- frame
- Frederick Bowie
- frog
- frontlet
- fur
- Gaelic
- gag
- gags
- game board
- Ganesha Ganapati
- Ganymede
- Garmouth
- gasmask
- gem
- Generations of women
- George Cruickshank
- George Keith
- George Washington Wilson
- Gilbert Ramsay
- girdle
- girl
- Girlhood
- glass
- glass cup
- glove
- Gnathian
- god
- God of Riches
- goddess
- Goenter
- gold
- gold pin
- Golf
- gong
- gourd
- Gozo
- Graduation
- Graduation photo
- granite
- Grant Bey
- grave gods
- gravestone
- Greece
- green glazed
- greenstone
- group
- guerrero
- guinea
- Gun
- gun musket
- hag stone
- Haida
- hair ornament
- hand
- handaxe
- handle
- handle sistrum
- Harness
- harp
- harpoon head
- Hasluck
- hat
- Hausa
- Hawaii
- Hawaiian
- hawk
- head
- head god
- head of a king
- head of Mestha
- Head of Qebhsenuef
- headdress
- headrest
- Heart
- heart scarab
- Hebrides
- hei.tik
- heliopolis
- helmet
- Henderson
- Herakles
- herbarium
- Hercules
- herman moll
- Hermes
- Hermes. Dr Alexander Henderson
- herringbone
- High Street
- His Majesty's Theatre
- Horn
- horse
- Horse-drawn carriage
- hortus sanitatus
- Horus
- house
- Hugh G Mair
- human
- Humanoid
- Humanoid mask
- hydria
- ibeji
- Ibis
- icon
- idol
- image
- immunity badge
- incense
- Indian
- ink
- inscription
- instrument
- inuit
- Inverurie
- iron
- iron blade
- Isis
- isles
- Isthmus
- ivory
- ivory tooth
- J.W Johnston
- jackal
- jacobite
- jacobites
- jade
- jadeite
- jaguar
- James Beattie
- James Cross
- James duncan
- James Gordon of Rothiemay
- James III
- James Inglis
- James Keith
- James MacDonald
- james VIII
- James VIII & III
- Japan
- jar
- jar cover
- jar pot
- java
- Jean Mackay
- Jephtha and his daughter
- Jest a Minute
- John Baird
- John Knox
- John Macgregor
- John mcpherson
- jougs
- Journal
- Judegement of Solomon
- jug
- jug pot
- Ka door
- kaffirs
- Kasyapas
- kayak
- Kelp
- Kettle
- key
- Khnemu
- Kimmeridge
- King Akhenaten
- King George I
- king james bible
- king james VI
- Kirkwall
- knife
- Knitting
- kohl
- kohl pot
- kotyle
- Kris
- kukri
- kylix
- lachrymatory
- landing
- lantern
- latin america
- lava
- Le Pretendant
- leather
- Lef Nosi
- lekytho
- Lekythos
- leopard skin
- Lerwick
- Lhasa Expedition
- lid
- lime
- limestone
- lindsay
- lingula
- lion
- lion's skin
- Lord Bute
- LoS Caribbean
- LoS Enslavement
- LoS Here
- LoS Now
- LoS page asset
- Louis XIV
- mace
- MacGillivray
- MacGrigor
- Madha-Ibd-Ilmarka.
- Magoput
- majoput
- Major Ondaatje
- male
- mallet
- mandible
- mantle
- manuscrips
- manuscript
- map
- marble
- Marischal
- Marischal Moments
- Market
- Marquesas Islands
- Marriage
- mask
- matchlock
- Maternity Hospital
- Maya's dream
- mcpherson
- medal
- medicine
- melanasia
- menorah
- message
- metal
- Methsa
- mexico
- Michie
- microscope
- Midlothian
- Milk churn
- mirror
- Miss Mitchell
- Mitchell Hall
- Mixtec
- mnemonic
- moccasin
- mode
- model
- money
- Mongolian
- monk
- mosaic
- mould
- mug
- mummified cat
- mummy
- mummy coffin
- mummy crocodile
- mummy human Ta.Khar
- music
- musical
- musical score
- Mut figure
- nail
- Napoleon
- neck
- necklace
- necklace/pendant
- neclet
- Neith
- neolithic
- Nephthys
- nephtys
- net
- Never Atmu
- Newphthys
- newspaper
- Nile
- nocturnal instrument
- north america
- Nurse
- Nursing
- oaxaca
- obsidian
- offering
- oil
- oil lamp
- oinoche
- oinochoe
- ointment
- ointment holder
- Olaudah Equiano
- Old Pretender
- olla
- Orkney
- ornament
- ornate
- ortus sanitatus
- Osiris
- ostrakon
- ox
- ox hide
- paint
- painting
- pair
- paiting
- palette
- Palmyra
- pan
- panel
- paper label
- papyrus
- Paraguay
- Park
- Parkland
- Parks
- Parks and gardens
- pastopherus
- Paul Edwards
- peastum
- pebble
- pen
- pendant
- penis
- penny
- performing arts
- Persephone
- peter blackburn
- Peter Milne
- photograph
- Photography
- piano
- Pictish
- picture
- pig
- pipe
- Pistole
- plain
- plaster case
- plaster cast
- plaster.casts
- platter
- playing cards
- Plossan
- po torine
- Poem
- Poetry
- pole
- Police
- polished
- Pompei
- Ponies
- Pony
- pop.gun
- popish
- porphyry
- portrait
- Portrait of a woman
- postage stamps
- poster
- pot
- pot cup
- pot jug
- pottery
- powder horn
- prayer book
- priest
- Prince Charles Edward Stewart
- prize medal
- probe
- processional.cross
- programme
- programme design
- props
- ptah figure
- Ptah Sokar
- Ptah Sokar Osiris
- Public spaces
- punishment
- purse
- queen anne
- Queen Mary
- queen Victoria
- quiver
- Rage of kings
- ram
- rare books
- rattle
- raven
- Razor
- rebels
- rebels with a cause
- red clay
- Reginald Barrett-Ayres
- rehearsals
- Reid
- relief
- relief fragment
- reliquary
- ring
- River Jordan
- River Tigris
- Robert
- Robert Wilson
- Robert Reid
- Robert Wilson
- Robert Wilson.
- Roman
- Roman glass
- rome
- Romeyn de Hooghe
- Ronald Macintosh
- ruler
- Rural industries
- sabre
- saddle bag
- Sakauna Takauna
- Samian
- samian ware
- sample
- sample pitch
- Sanskrit
- sarcophagus
- sash
- satchel
- satyr
- scabbard
- scarab
- scarab heart
- scare devil
- sceptre
- School
- School photo
- scold's bridle
- Scotland
- scribe
- Script
- sculpture
- sculpture figure
- sculpture slab
- sculpture.
- sea-wolf
- seals
- sealskin
- seat
- Sekhmet
- Sekhmet figure
- set
- sextant
- Shabti
- shale
- shale pipe
- sharks teeth
- sheath
- sheild
- shell
- shepherd's.crook
- Shetland
- Shetland Isles
- shield
- shirt
- shoe
- shoes
- shrine
- shrub
- Shu
- silver
- silver cross
- Sir Charles Forbes
- sita
- skin
- skins
- skull
- Skye
- skyphos
- slab
- slab cement
- slab inscription
- slab tablet
- slate
- Slavery
- sledge runner
- slipper shoe
- slippers
- snow knife
- soldier
- solomon and queen of sheba
- south america
- souvenir
- Souvenir programme
- spade
- Spanish conquest
- spatula
- spear
- spear-thrower
- spearhead
- specimen
- Sphinx
- spindle
- spindle whorl
- spindle.whorl
- spinning
- spon
- spoon
- Sport
- spring
- squat lekythos
- St Andrews
- St Kilda
- staff club
- stage directions
- stand
- state
- statue
- statue sculpture
- statuette
- statuette. figurine
- steel
- Stella the Bajanella
- stick applicator
- stocking
- stone
- Stone architecture
- straw
- Stuart David
- Stuarts
- Student Show
- student show artwork
- Student Show cast
- Student Show programme
- stupa
- stupa mode
- Sudan
- suit
- sun dial
- Sunset Song
- sword
- sword hunting
- sword knife
- symbol
- ta kher
- ta kheru
- Ta urt
- Ta-Khar
- Ta-urt
- table
- table offerings
- tablet brick
- tabua
- Talisman
- Talismans
- tally
- tam o shanter
- tample
- tapa
- tapa cape
- tapestry
- tartar
- tawarret
- Tear bottle
- Tehuantepec
- Temple
- Terra-cotta head
- Tesserae Cumae
- test tube
- the First Sermon
- The Queen of Heaven
- the voice of radicalism
- theatre
- theatre artwork
- Theatre programme
- Thebes
- Thesaberu
- Theseus Minotaur
- Theseus Phaea
- Thistle
- Thom
- Thomas Gordon
- Thoth
- thumbscrews
- tiara
- Tibet
- tin
- tin opener
- Tlaloc
- To Meet the MacGregors
- tobacco
- toil and trouble
- toltec
- tombstone
- Tonga Islands
- tool
- tool. John McPherson
- Tooth of the mountain
- Tortoiseshell
- totemic
- toth
- toy
- Transport
- tray
- treasure
- trefoil
- trial piece.
- triangular
- triple
- two pence
- union
- university
- Uraeus
- urn
- ushabti
- ushabti figure
- V-rod
- Vanuatu
- Varsity
- vase
- venuatu
- vessel
- vessel. Chimu
- Vista
- votive offering
- votive offerng
- waggon
- Walking with Birds
- walrus
- Walter Scott
- wampum
- wariboard
- watch
- water bottle
- Waterfall
- weather
- weather charm
- weaving peg
- Wedgewood
- well
- whale
- wheel
- whip
- whistle
- white metal
- whorl
- william III
- William MacGregor
- William Mitchell
- william of orange
- William Ross
- Wilson
- Wilson Robert
- wire
- witch stone
- witchcraft
- witches
- Woman's graduation
- women
- Women at the beach
- Women farming
- Women outdoors
- Women shopping
- Women's clothing
- Women's education
- Women's fashion
- Women's industries
- Women's portraiture
- Women's sport
- Women's work
- wood
- woodcarving
- writing set
- Yoke
- Yoruba
- zapotec
- zapotecan
- Zeus
- Zodiac