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  • Tags: canopic jar

ABDUA 22133.jpg
Canopic jar, cover representing head of Methsa, inscribed

box chest.jpg
Box (or chest) of the lady of the house Ta-du-bast for canopic jars. Painted yellow, brown, black, and red, with 4 compartments and inscribed on lid and sides with prayers to Mestha, Hapi, Duamutef and Qebhsennuf.

canopic jar no cover.jpg
Canopic jar in alabaster, inscribed, cover missing, of Royal scribe Ur-Min Superintendant of Treasury.

canopic jar cover Methsa 22136.jpg
Cover of a canopic jar, in wood, representing head of Methsa with face painted yellow and wig black.

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Cover of a canopic jar, representing head of Methsa.

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Canopic jar, cover representing head of Methsa, inscribed.

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Dummy canopic jar, cover representing head of Qebhsennuf, painted blue, illegibly inscribed in red.

canopic jar 22133.jpg
Canopic jar, cover representing head of Methsa, inscribed.

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Canopic jar of the priestess, the Singer of Amon, Mut-Nefert cover representing head of Methsa, inscription with suppliant on one side and figure of Osiris on other.
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