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  • Tags: north america

McP_ABDUA 8861_tripod pot painted.jpg
shallow pottery tripod dish, decorated with reddish-brown and black paint on interior and exterior, 'cascabel' feet

McP_ABDUA 8860_birds head tripod pot.jpg
tripod dish in pottery, feet in form of birds' heads

McP_ABDUA 63462_stone skull_img01.jpg
human skull carved in white stone, Perhaps part of a sculptured frieze - tenons at the back for fitting into a wall

McP_ABDUA 8757_cranium dipper_img01.jpg
fragment of human skull, probably used as a dipper or cup

McP_ABDUA 8653_Olmec Axe.jpg
ceremonial axe head, incised with a figure holding a mace/club/burning torch, two faint profiles on either side of figure's head
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