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  • Tags: shield

One of three shields in ox hide mounted in various designs in silver, and with red leather on the inside. There is a black and white photograph of this shield in photograph album ABDUA: 60414.

One of two shields in hide, obtained at Aden by A J H Reid, circular with stamped designs, with handle at the back.

Wooden bowman's shield, decorated with carvings of 'grotesque' human faces, in white and brown paint.

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Shield in angled wood, painted.

Shield in angled wood decorated with hair.

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Black leather circular shield, ornate gold decoration includes gold bosses and crescents, and patterns around the rim. Buffalo hide.

Circular black leather shield, with gilded bosses and a crescent. Buffalo hide. Michie (1887): 'Taken in the Burmese War, 1827'

Long, narrow, diamond-shaped shield, with herringbone pattern. Parrying shield.
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