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  • Tags: Shabti

Blue-glazed shabti, uninscribed. Described by Thomson as 'Blue Porcelain figure of mummy.'

Blue-glazed shabti, inscribed on front. Described by Thomson as ' Blue Porcelain figure of a mummy.'

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Ushabti figure, in blue-glazed ware, inscribed all round.

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Ushabti figure, taskmaster, in unglazed terracotta ware. Uninscribed.

Ushabti figure, unglazed brown ware, uninscribed.

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Ushabti figure, inscription on front signifying 'Sebek-ankh, son of Sebeky', green glazed ware.

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Green glazed shabti inscribed on front and sides signifying 'the seal-bearer of the King of Lower Egypt, Hor-uza, born of Ast-en-meht-nefer'.

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Ushabti figure of Ast, face painted red, wig black, rest of figure white. Inscription on front.

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Ushabti figure, incised inscription on front signifying 'the prophet of Bast, Pedu-Min,' green glazed ware.

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Shabti in green glazed ware inscribed all round with name Pa-Set.
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