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- Tags: Alexander Thomson
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symbol.stone Pictish.stone
Type: Class 1. Front: double-disc & Z-rod Back: flower & mirror & comb
Tags: Alexander Thomson, Pictish, stone, symbol
pole post
Figure carving on top of a long pole. Thomson's MS catalogue 1862: 'A long wooden idol placed in prow of canoe.' 92. Carved post. New Guinea, Humboldt Bay. The post belonged to Alexander Thomson of Banchory House, Aberdeen until his death in 1868. In…
Tags: Alexander Thomson, carved, pole
figure mummy.cover
Egyptian mummy cover in wood. This would have been placed directly over the mummy and both then placed in a wooden coffin. The cover has very clear, painted hieroglyphs (Osiris, Mistress of the House, Singing Woman of Amon, Mut-Im -?-Ha ...) which…
Tags: Alexander Thomson, figure, mummy
One of two masks, in wood, unpainted. Thomson Catalogue (MS): 'Mask used by natives of Bali in Dances - and also in scenic representation like Punch or Harlequin. Mr Arthur Fraser.'
Tags: Alexander Thomson, mask, wood
One of two masks, in wood, unpainted. Thomson's MS Catalogue: 'Mask used by natives of Bali in Dances - and also in scenic representation like Punch or Harlequin. Mr Arthur Fraser.'
Tags: Alexander Thomson, mask, wood
knife kris
Kris with wavy, double-edged, damascened blade in steel. Handle finely carved ivory (animal form), gold mounted. Sheath with carved wooden head and metal body.
Tags: Alexander Thomson, knife, Kris
figure idol
Ornately carved wooden figure from Bali with opening by right hand to hold a kris (sword). Thomson's MS Catalogue: 'Idol from Island of Bali. Such a figure is placed by the bed side of each Rajah at night and he places his kris in the oval hole…
Tags: Alexander Thomson, figure idol
basket clove.basket (with lid)
One of four baskets, 'one in cloves, three in grass'. This one is light-coloured and has a lid. Given to Thomson by 'Ar. F' (probably his brother-in-law Arthur Fraser who was a merchant in Java)
Tags: Alexander Thomson, basket, glove