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  • Tags: Charm Box

Square-shaped gold reliquary box, set with turquoise stones, and with a collar of red, green, black and white, and amber beads attached. Described as 'Charm Boxes' on list in Museum Report 1931-32. Original tie-on label describes them as 'Talisman'…

Oval shaped box, hinged, in silver gilt, set with carnelian and turquoise stones. Described as 'Charm Boxes' on list in Museum Report 1931-32. Original tie-on label describes them as 'Talisman' boxes for holding magic promise.

One of six shallow boxes. This is the smallest, square, and set with turquoises and red stones/glass (many are missing). Described as one of the 'Charm Boxes' on list in Museum Report 1931-32. Original tie-on label describes them as 'Talisman' boxes…

One of six shallow boxes. This one is square and set with clusters of tiny turquoise stones. Described as one of the 'Charm Boxes' on list in Museum Report 1931-32. Original tie-on label describes them as 'Talisman' boxes for holding magic promise.

One of six shallow boxes. This one is square and set with turquoises and red stones/glass, like flowers. Described as one of the 'Charm Boxes' on list in Museum Report 1931-32.
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