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  • Tags: Grant Bey

Figure of the head of Sekhmet. A special chamber was consecrated in the temple of Mut at Thebes to this goddess. This head came from that chamber.

table offerings.jpg
Libation table in limestone with 'hetep' sign (the hieroglyph for offering) carved into the centre, with figure of female and table of offerings, two cups hollowed out for libation. Incised inscription on upper portion of 'hetep' sign and around the…

Ka door.jpg
Ka Door in three pieces, incised inscription of usual grave formulae and figures and titles of the deceased, traces of red colouring in limestone. Tomb of Athmu, Prophet of Pyramid of Assa, a Pharoah of the Vth dynasty. Reid (1912): 'Inscription…

photograph portrait.jpg
Photograph of James Grant, 'Grant Bey', in an oval mount and ornate frame.

canopic jar cover 22144.jpg
Cover of a canopic jar, representing head of Duamutef in limestone and painted green, blue, red, white and yellow.

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Canopic jar of the priestess, the Singer of Amon, Mut-Nefert cover representing head of Methsa, inscription with suppliant on one side and figure of Osiris on other.

Kneeling figure of Isis and Nephthys.jpg
Wooden figure of Nephthys (imperfect), kneeling, originally painted

Kneeling figure of Isis and Nephthys.jpg
Wooden figure of Isis (imperfect), kneeling, originally painted.

Shabti 20229.jpg
Ushabti figure, green glazed, inscribed on back and sides. Label on base. Inscription: Printed label on wood stand: USHEBTI OF PSAMMETICHUS? Crossed out in pencil and replaced with XXVI D

Shabti 20221.jpg
Shabti figure, blue glazed, purple wig, uninscribed, mounted on a wooden base. Inscription: Hand-written labels on wood base: USHEBTI from Deir-el-Bahari in the Reign of Amenoph IVth, 18 dyn about 1600 BC called Ku-en-Aten Dates are crossed out and…
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