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  • Tags: Robert Wilson

ABDUA 22133.jpg
Canopic jar, cover representing head of Methsa, inscribed

ABDUA 20042.jpg
Amulet of the goddess Nephthys.

Warded key.

Cinerary urn in form of mausoleum with separate sloped and ornamented roof. Contains fragments of cremated human bone. Inscription engraved on front panel. Inscription: On front panel: L VALERIVS VARVS H S E

bottle jar 63328.jpg
One of two bottle/jar fragments, in blown glass with a ribbed handle. Found in tumulus.

vase incense.jpg
Vase in baked red clay. Three lugs around rim, one broken. Shallow dish-shaped on pedestal base. Used for burning incense. Inscription: Old label: Vase for burning incense - Babylonian

pot jar vessel.jpg
Shiny black pottery vessel, 'whistle' pot, with erotic couple, buggery scene, Chimu culture, Peru.

sabre sword.jpg
Robert Wilson's sabre or Arab sword, curved blade, in a leather scabbard with straps.

Robert Wilson sculpture.jpg
Marble bust of Robert Wilson, M D, 1787-1871. Bequeathed by him to Marischal College Aberdeen, 1871.
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