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Moulded red clay, constructed as a plaque, female figurine with headdress, necklace and baby on her back.
Tags: clay, figurine, John mcpherson
Pre-classic female figurine with exaggerated shoulders and hips, no head. Back view on display.
Tags: female, figurine, John mcpherson
Pre-classic female figurine, with head, arms, legs and exaggerated hips. Museum's slip catalogue: 'FIGURINES, human, 16* fragments of, in a whitish pottery. Found by a workman when digging a trench, about six feet from the surface in the Panuco…
Tags: figurine, John mcpherson
Post-classic pottery statuette, Toltec period, with very ornate headdress. Clay figurines appear in the graves and household debris of the earliest farmers in Mexico and continued to be made and used by successive civilisations until the Spanish…
Tags: figurine, John mcpherson, statuette
figurine fragment
Fragment of statuette; pre-classic. Clay figurines appear in the graves and household debris of the earliest farmers in Mexico and continued to be made and used by successive civilisations until the Spanish Conquest. Those made by the village…
Tags: figurine, John mcpherson, mexico, neolithic
figurine fragment
Fragment of a statuette; head with 'hat'; pre-classic. Valley of Mexico, 2000 B.C.-A.D.500 Clay figurines appear in the graves and household debris of the earliest farmers in Mexico and continued to be made and used by successive civilisations until…
Tags: figurine, John mcpherson, statuette
figurine fragment
Fragment of a statuette, white clay, elaborate headdress, pre-classic. Clay figurines appear in the graves and household debris of the earliest farmers in Mexico and continued to be made and used by successive civilisations until the Spanish…
Tags: Aztec, figurine, John mcpherson
Clay statuette; representation of Tlaloc with elaborate loincloth, neck ornament and headdress. Inscription: Old label: 146+4
Tags: clay, figurine, John mcpherson, Tlaloc