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  • Tags: sculpture

Robert Reid.jpg
Marble bust (on a marble plinth) of Robert William Reid, MD, LLD, FRCS, Regius Professor of Anatomy, University of Aberdeen, 1889-1925. Bust stands at the top of Marischal Museum staircase.Inscription: On plinth: Robert William Reid M. D., L. L. D.,…

Bronze bust of Lydia Lopokova. Part of the Dr. J.W.A. Hunter bequest to the University of Aberdeen (for the founding of Medical Scholarships) in January 1960. Also part of the same bequest are 2 paintings ('Nirvana' by Augustus John, 'The Girl in the…

Figure of the head of Sekhmet. A special chamber was consecrated in the temple of Mut at Thebes to this goddess. This head came from that chamber.

Fragment from a carved schist relief representing Queen Maya's dream. Inscription: Old label in red ink: 14

Fragment of a relief carving representing the youth and education of the young Bodhisattva. Inscription: Old label: 19

Fragment of a relief carving in schist representing a bride in wedding cart drawn by lions, the young Bodhisattva in front.Inscription: Old label in red ink: 12 Old label in black ink: 20

Fragment of a carved schist relief representing the Great Renunciation. Old label: 13

Fragment of a carved schist relief representing the assault of Mara. Inscription: Old label: 5

Seated figure of Buddha, draped figure, feet on a footstool, hands missing, 'halo' behind head. Flanked by two standing figures each with topknot and halo, perhaps representing the gods, Brahma and Indra, entreating with the Buddha.

Fragment of a carved schist relief representing the First Sermon. Old label: 11
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