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  • Tags: beads

cloth beads.jpg
Glass test-tube, stoppered with cork, containing sample of beads still strung together, mounted on a card label: 'Cloth of Beads from Mummy'. Inscription: Cloth of Beads from Mummy

Small North American bead bag.

beads necklace  63794.jpg
Long string of disc-shaped beads, polychrome. Old label attached: 18th Dynasty 1700BC.

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beads necklace 63793.jpg
String of beads, both cylindrical and elliptical, probably made from a green stone. Nubian.

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beads bracelet.jpg
Tiny string of beads and amulets, includes 8 cowrie shells, a large cylindrical bead and amulets - Bas amulet (cat), Menit amulet and one in form of a pig.

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beads necklace 63790.jpg
String of beads and amulets in carnelian. Amulets are mostly those of Nefer.

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