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  • Tags: pipe

Part of a tobacco pipe made from a calabash. Illustrated in Ogston (1884-1929) Volume 1.

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Part of pipe in argillite, with totemic and other carvings.

Pipe made from walrus tusk carved in form of human head

Part of pipe in argillite, with totemic and other carvings.

Shale pipe carved with 6 figures, wheeled waggon and flowers.

Shale pipe carved as a frieze-like scene of 7 gambolling figures.

Panel pipes carved out of argillite, a dark slate, comparatively soft when mined which hardens after exposure to the air Haida style, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia Made for sale to Europeans, most of the pipes illustrate sailors of theā€¦

Shale pipe, carved with human and animal figures, latticed window in centre.

Shale pipe, carved with figures and an umbrella. Panel pipe combining both Haida and Euopean-American motifs.

tobacco pipe.jpg
Tobacco pipe (Germany), calabash with horn and ivory stem. See Accessions Book 1941-1944, 1946-1963, p99: 'Tobacco Pipe (German) Calabash with horn and ivory Stem L 500.'
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