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  • Tags: ushabti

shabti 63385.jpg
Ushabti figure, in blue-glazed ware, inscribed all round.

box ushabti.jpg
Wooden box for ushabti figures, with inscription signifying: 'the prophet of Mentu, lord of Thebes, Hor, son of the beloved of the god, the opener of the gates, Hor-em-Apt-asut, son of the prophet of Amon in Apt-asut, Auf.'

shabti 20182.jpg
Ushabti figure, taskmaster, in unglazed terracotta ware. Uninscribed.

Ushabti figure, unglazed brown ware, uninscribed.

shabti 20179.jpg
Ushabti figure, inscription on front signifying 'Sebek-ankh, son of Sebeky', green glazed ware.

shabti 20176.jpg
Ushabti figure of Ast, face painted red, wig black, rest of figure white. Inscription on front.

Shabti 20175.jpg
Ushabti figure, incised inscription on front signifying 'the prophet of Bast, Pedu-Min,' green glazed ware.

shabti 63506.jpg
Ushabti figure, left arm hanging down at side, blue-glazed ware, completely covered with inscription of spells from the Book of the Dead. On a modern wooden stand.

box ushabti.jpg
Wooden box, encircling band painted yellow with mutilated inscription, containing ushabti figures in clay.

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