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  • Tags: mosaic

Two glass test-tubes, filled with mosaic tesserae (in various shades of blue, red, yellow, green, black and white), stoppered with cottonwool and mounted on a card label: 'Ancient Mosaic Tesserae Rome'

mosaic pieces 61709.jpg
Two glass test-tubes, filled with mosaic tesserae (in various shades of blue, red, yellow, green, black and white), stoppered with cottonwool, and mounted on a card label: 'Ancient Mosaic Tesserae Rome'. Inscription: Ancient Mosaic Tesserae Rome

mosaic 61777.jpg
Two glass test-tubes filled with pieces of mosaic, mostly white and grey, stoppered with cottonwool and mounted on a card label: Inscription: Ancient Mosaic Tesserae Cumae'
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