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  • Tags: latin america

Lin_ABDUA 65360_belt.TIF
belt made from spun and woven wool, dyed with cochineal. Ends of the belt are tassled. Old Label "belt in native red and white wool dyed with native cochineal. Chaco Paraguay. Presnted by Dr J.W. Lindsay 1909 in catalogue p 272 (201). Native spun…

Lin_ABDUA 8947_Armband-img01.tif
worn by male, Calf Leather bracelet with grey fur. Presented by Dr. J.W. Lindsay, Paraguay 1909.

Lin_ABDUA 8954_5_6_Dolls.tif
small bone (phalanx - probably of deer) with cloth and wool tied round it. This doll has brown thread wrapped around it. Old Label - "Used by Lengua Indian children. Presented by Dr. J.W. Lindsay, Paraguay 1909"

Lin_ABDUA 8951_Neclace of sheep's teeth.tif
Necklace made of sheep teeth, red and white beads, worn by female. Old Label "Chaco Paraguay. Presented by Dr. J.W. Lindsay in 1909. in catalogue P. 272 (196) Worn by female lengua indians"

Lin_ABDUA 8952&8953_Earspools.tif
decorate with metal bands in wood worn by witch doctors. Old label - "Worn lengua indians witch doctors. Chaco Paraguay. Presented Dr. J.W. Lindsay Paraguay 1909."

McP_ABDUA 8757_cranium dipper_img01.jpg
fragment of human skull, probably used as a dipper or cup

McP_ABDUA 8653_Olmec Axe.jpg
ceremonial axe head, incised with a figure holding a mace/club/burning torch, two faint profiles on either side of figure's head
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