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  • Tags: Hasluck

Spindle whorl, decorated with floral and geometric designs, and figures of birds, in boxwood. Used in spinning.

Bride's head-dress in tapestry. Profusely decorated with beads and coins. In use in villages in mountains. Bulgaria or Yugoslavia?

Round dish used as a hanging decoration ('hoel'). Decoration: woman in centre, long dress, floral design, (black) drawing, other colours: white, brown, green, yellow.

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Large round tray, beaten copper, tinned after engraving with two interlocking triangles in centre. Moslem date engraved on margin, and Arabic inscription.

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saddle bag.jpg
Saddle-bag in plush and leather. Various designs in red, navy blue and fawn.

Apron, in tapestry work, decorated with copper, beads and copper wire. Bulgaria or Yugoslavia? (see Museum's 'Slip Catalogue).


sheperd's crook.jpg
Shepherd's crook in wood, decoration: incised cross-hatching and diagonal lines, figure on the back, 'said to be that of a goddess'. Hasluck: 'A Shepherd's Crook. This specimen was carved in a village near Larissa, but the industry is common all over…

Partridge net in cotton thread and horse's hair. See Additional Notes for more details.

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toy dancing bird.jpg
Rectangular base and top. Poker work decoration and inscription ( maker's name). 4 paper flowers. Bird on top. Hasluck: 'Dancing bird made by a Catholic mountaineer from Albania. It dances as man plays Lahuta - a simple mountain lyre. A thread…

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cap hat.jpg
Black leather hat, decorated with embossed white metal band, brass eyelets, gold lace etc.
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