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  • Tags: William Mitchell

One of two carved wooden spoons, with decorations in red paint.

Humanoid mask with moveable eyes. Formerly had fur moustache and beard. Could be Coast Tsimshian or Haida.

Humanoid mask, boldly carved with unusual openings cut through above the eyes.

Humanoid mask, apparently once had fur eyebrows as well as moustache and beard. Also had some sort of moveable eyelid.

Complex animal mask, probably representing a wolf, or sea-wolf. Ears carved as faces with moveable lips.

The headdress frontlet (in form of a thunderbird) for a dancing mask, wooden with decoration in black, red and blue paint. Bella Bella or Tsimshian, Fort Simpson, British Columbia The head-dress was worn in the dance in which the raven rattle was…

Ceremonial rattle in the form of a bird (raven), decoration in black, red and blue paint. The meaning of the figure group is unknown, although the theme of the frog holding the man's tongue has been interpreted to signify communication or transfer of…

One of two carved wooden spoons, with decorations in red paint.

Model canoe, in wood, with crest bird painted on bow and stern in black and red paint.

Wooden figure, painted black and red. Female, wearing black blanket/cloak. The style of dress and face-paint is typical and is good evidence for the appearance of mid-19th century Haida. 
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