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  • Tags: Alexander Henderson

VASEI Obv. Athene with large round shield, encircled by rim of purple, with a bird flying as device, strikes with spear a Giant who has fallen on one knee. Behind him another Giant. Athene wears aegis and a dress spangled with white spots arranged in…

VASE II Same style. Obv. Herakles welcomed into heaven by Athene, behind whom stands Hermes. Stern of ship on Athene's large round shield; beside her is an animal with horn and long tail. Rev. Theseus wearing lion's skin apparently - of which tail…

Amphora, black-figured in glazed red clay. Two ribbed handles with fan-shaped ornamentation. Lid light red, broad band round middle, and black knob. Shows Achilles and Ajax playing dice at the altar of Athene whose figure stands behind. Reverse shows…

VASE IV Same style. Obv. Dionysos sitting on folding stool. On each side a satyr, one playing lyre, one dancing. Dionysos holds in right hand a vine branch, in left a cup (perhaps at Kantharos). Rev. Apollo sitting on pillar or high stone, playing…

VASE VI Obv. A youth and a female in biga; female holds up a circular object like modern quoit. Youth wears a curious red dress over black garment; the upper hangs down in an end like the paw of lion's skin; it encircles his body, but does not go…

Jug with trefoil shaped mouth, black-figured in glazed red clay. Shows four maidens drawing water. In front of lion's mouth, whence issues water, rough sketch of Doric facade. The back of this vase has been painted over in black, in modern times…

Three-handled pitcher, black-figured, in glazed red clay. Shows gods escorting a marriage procession. Bearded man driving a quadriga. On left, female figure, behind, Dionysus with wreath of vine leaves, on right, Persephone. On the other side of the…

Narrow necked vase, in black-figure glazed red clay. Symposion scene, showing Dionysis with Maenad seated in front with two satyrs on right and left standing.

Two-handled black-figured vase with grooved handles in glazed red clay. Obverse; Dionysis with cornucopia, lion at his feet in front, Persephone (or Kora or Ariadne), behind, Maenad and Satyrs. Reverse; two horsemen riding, neck and lower part of…

Amphora, two ribbed handles, red-figured in glazed red clay. Obverse; bearded man ( Zeus ) with thysus or trident-headed rod seizing teasing youth ( Ganymede ) carrying cock as love gift. Note erect angle of sceptre. Above youth, part of inscription…
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