Kylix (wide shallow drinking cup) with open handles, red figured in glazed red clay. Shows on inside youth with head bound with long fillet running. Shows on outside, (1) a symposium with three bearded men reclining on cushions, one holding phiale,…
VASE XVIII. Kylix, marked outside HIITAPXO * KAAO*, inside EIIOE *EN, but name of artist is wanting. All other Vases with love-name Hipparchos come from Euphronios (see Arch. Zeitung, 1878-79). * Hand written zig zig (like bolt of lightning) The…
Kylix (wide shallow cup) with open handles, red figured in glazed red clay. Shows on inside youth with head bound with long fillet running. Shows on outside, (1) symposium - three bearded men reclining on cushions, one holding phiale, one kylix, and…
Wide shallow cup, red-figured in black glazed red clay. Shows Theseus about to slay Phaea the wild sow of Krommyon on inside, outside is plain black. Type B cup (continuous curve)
After this come a number of small Vases, plain black, sometimes also with slight ornamentation in raised white or in lines incised down to the ground colour of clay: in one case, both styles are used together. Such ware is late; and is found in…