Browse Items (3311 total)

beaker pot.jpg
Beaker, decoration: impressed comb & incisions. Was found in August 1817 with another beaker (now lost) in 'long' cist.

One of six shallow boxes. This one is square and set with turquoises and red stones/glass, like flowers. Described as one of the 'Charm Boxes' on list in Museum Report 1931-32.

One of six shallow silver boxes. This one is square and set with turquoise stones to look like flowers. Described as one of the 'Charm Boxes' on list in Museum Report 1931-32. Original tie-on label describes them as 'Talisman' boxes for holding magic…

box ushabti.jpg
Wooden box for ushabti figures, with inscription signifying: 'the prophet of Mentu, lord of Thebes, Hor, son of the beloved of the god, the opener of the gates, Hor-em-Apt-asut, son of the prophet of Amon in Apt-asut, Auf.'

box ushabti.jpg
Wooden box, encircling band painted yellow with mutilated inscription, containing ushabti figures in clay.

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Breast plate made of trochus shell and sections of teeth of sperm whale, with cord of strips of coloured cotton for suspension. Structure: boss in shell edged with ivory (4 pieces & serrated), with central oranment (ivory & lunate), coloured cloth…

Image of the Buddha, in earth-pointing attitude, in silver.

Outrigger canoe, dugout, from breadfruit tree. Fore and aft taper to a spike. Dear Professor Lockhart, I am so glad to think of the Papuan (native) canoe in Marischal College with all the other New Guinea things (I feel sure it must be the only…

cotton cap.jpg
Cotton cap, worn by male peasants. Colour: white and beige. Middle decoration: smock work and zig-zag embroidery.

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