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sculpture statue
One of two stone images from the ruins of the Great Temple of Majoput, Java.
Tags: Alexander Thomson, java, majoput, statue, tample
Brass sextant with silver scale, signed (see inscription), in a red leather box. Made in the early 19th Century and used by Robert Wilson in his Eastern travels, 1820-23. Inscription: engraved just below the scale Schmalcalder 82 Strand London
Tags: brass, Robert Wilson, sextant
Blue-glazed shabti, inscribed on front. Described by Thomson as ' Blue Porcelain figure of a mummy.'
Tags: Alexander Thomson, blue porcelain, mummy, Shabti
One of three shields in ox hide mounted in various designs in silver, and with red leather on the inside. There is a black and white photograph of this shield in photograph album ABDUA: 60414.
Tags: John Baird, ox hide, shield
slab tablet
One of four tablets in baked red clay, showing same septilinear cuneiform inscription on each. Inscription: signifies: Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, patron of (the temple) E-sagil, and (the temple) E-zida, eldest son of Nabopolassar, King of…
Tags: Robert Wilson, slab tablet
slipper shoe (2)
A pair of shoes in leather with a slight heel, and curved toes. Back of shoes turned down as if worn like heel-less slippers, red fabric uppers heavily embroidered in white and blue metallic thread. These may be the slippers referred to in Thomson's…
Tags: Alexander Thomson, slipper shoe