Browse Items (3311 total)

One of two stone images from the ruins of the Great Temple of Majoput, Java.

brass sextant.jpg
Brass sextant with silver scale, signed (see inscription), in a red leather box. Made in the early 19th Century and used by Robert Wilson in his Eastern travels, 1820-23. Inscription: engraved just below the scale Schmalcalder 82 Strand London

Ushabti figure, blue glazed, uninscribed.

Blue-glazed shabti, inscribed on front. Described by Thomson as ' Blue Porcelain figure of a mummy.'

Shield in angled wood decorated with hair.

One of three shields in ox hide mounted in various designs in silver, and with red leather on the inside. There is a black and white photograph of this shield in photograph album ABDUA: 60414.

Shirt of chain mail, composed of chain armour and decorated with leather bands. The armour and weapons of West African kingdoms and Sudanic states were very like those used during the Middle Ages and provided little protection from the rifles and…

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Two black leather shoes, each one decorated with a large pompom and orange button, soles decorated with white metal studs. Hasluck: 'worn by Albanian women'.

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One of four tablets in baked red clay, showing same septilinear cuneiform inscription on each. Inscription: signifies: Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, patron of (the temple) E-sagil, and (the temple) E-zida, eldest son of Nabopolassar, King of…

A pair of shoes in leather with a slight heel, and curved toes. Back of shoes turned down as if worn like heel-less slippers, red fabric uppers heavily embroidered in white and blue metallic thread. These may be the slippers referred to in Thomson's…
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