beads bracelet
Tiny string of beads and amulets, includes 8 cowrie shells, a large cylindrical bead and amulets - Bas amulet (cat), Menit amulet and one in form of a pig.
Dia: 45 mm H(of cat): 36 mm
faience shell cowrie.shell
Even in the Predynastic period some jewellery was in use. By the New Kingdom when all these beads were made, men and women were wearing bright and ornate necklaces, collars and bracelets. Rich people may have worn gold and silver but poorer people could have had faience. The blue and green beads are made of faience (lime and ash mixed with sand, glazed and fired). Many people also wore amulets or good luck symbols related to the gods. The amulet shaped like a cat represents Bastet, the goddess of pleasure.