Browse Items (3311 total)

scarab 23009.jpg
Winged scarab, uninscribed, in blue glazed ware. Heart scarab from a mummy, with perforations for stitching to the mummy wrappings.

scribe statue.jpg
Limestone statuette of a scribe, with traces of red and black colouring in the limestone. Repaired with Plaster of Paris. Incised inscription. Reid's 1912 Catalogue: 'Fine work and characteristic of the IVth and Vth dynasties.'

Robert Reid.jpg
Marble bust (on a marble plinth) of Robert William Reid, MD, LLD, FRCS, Regius Professor of Anatomy, University of Aberdeen, 1889-1925. Bust stands at the top of Marischal Museum staircase.Inscription: On plinth: Robert William Reid M. D., L. L. D.,…

Fragment of a statue, head of the Buddha, with topknot, tuft and moustache, and part of the halo. Old label: 5

Fragment of a relief showing a kneeling Atlant with wings and elephantine feet (larger of the two panels on display in the museum). Inscription: Old label: 1
This motif has ancient near Eastern origins and is found in early Indian and Greek art. In…

Statue of the seated Buddha in meditation, halo slightly broken, below the seat are five smaller figures, four are seated in the lotus position and one is standing. Inscription: Typed label on back: GRAECO-BUDDHIST FIGURE FOUND NEAR MORA PASS, SWAT…

Around the bottom of the relief are four panels describing, from right to left: the death of the Buddha and attainment of Parinirvana; the cremation, with the fire being extinguished by two Mallas pouring perfumed water over the flames; the…

Fragment of a carved relief representing the Buddha confronting an elephant. Inscription: Old label: 23

Fragment of a carved relief representing the Buddha meeting a royal personage.

sculpture figure male.jpg
Human figure, male, imperfect (upper half of body only), in black basalt.
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