Browse Items (3311 total)

figure ba bird.jpg
Figure of a Ba-bird, in painted wood.

figure bast.jpg
Figure of Bast, cat head, carrying sistrum, basket, and aegis.

figure bes.jpg
Figure of Bes in brown glazed ware.

Ibeji, female statuette, standing. If a twin dies the death is marked by the commissioning of a carved wooden figurine from a sculptor. Known as an 'ibeji', the figurine is of the same sex as the dead twin and is treated by the mother with all the…

figure idol.jpg
Ornately carved wooden figure from Bali with opening by right hand to hold a kris (sword). Thomson's MS Catalogue: 'Idol from Island of Bali. Such a figure is placed by the bed side of each Rajah at night and he places his kris in the oval hole…

figure jackal.jpg
Figure of a jackal, in wood, originally painted black. Had been placed on coffin in tomb. Thebes.

figure ram.jpg
Figure of a ram in brown glazed ware, ring for suspension. Reid (1912): 'The ram was sacred to Khnemu, god of Elephantine, and to Amen, god of Thebes. It was also worshipped at Mendes.'

Wooden figure painted red, black and green. Male, wearing handkerchief around head, green cloak/blanket over one shoulder and right hand resting on a walking stick. The style of dress and face-paint is typical and is good evidence for the appearance…

Fragment of statuette.
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