Amulet case in dyed (green, brown, black) and tooled leather, and grey and white antelope skin. Two leather tassels, one at each side of base of base. Two loops for suspension strap (strap missing).
Carved ivory pendant, in the form of two human figures, back to back, with a double hook below. Given to Macgregor in Namosi, a village in Viti Levu, Fiji and described by him as a 'Rat-safe' (see Museum's 'Slip Catalogue). Hunt (1981):…
Carved wooden lime spatula, decorated with female figure with glass beads (red), and shell beads (red). Hunt(1981): 'Betel chewing is practised widely in Melanesia. The betal mixture consists of nut of the areca palm, fruit or leaves of the betel…
Grave goods. Inuit. Found with ABDUA: 6078 - 6117. 'belonged to chief of Button Islands'. Components:flat iron point, rivetted to bone or ivory foreshaft. Towards the other end of the foreshaft there are 2 large perforations and a separate ivory…