Browse Items (3311 total)

chair set.jpg
Quill-worked chair seat, geometric pattern, circles and arch; multi-coloured

Part of a large bronze clasp/brooch/fibula.

Coarse sunbaked vase. Museum's slip catalogue quotes Thomson 'found under stream of lava on Mount Albano by Signor Carnivallieri who gave it me. It represents a wine skin.'

Coat or jerkin in buff leather. Worn in the time of Charles I. Sent from Hungary to David Stuart of Inchbreck by one of his family in 1650.

Outer coffin which originally contained the inner coffin and mummy of lady Ta-Khar, daughter of Tha-en-meh. The mummy was probably found at Qft or Luxor, and came to Marischal College in the 17th century, via al Quseir (Cosseir) and Bombay.

Iron collar to protect dogs from wolves.

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Comb made from a single piece of wood, carved handles, bound with string made from twisted vegetable fibre.

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One of four funereal cones in red ware, two (including this one) with Boat of Sun, name illegible.

Death mask of Napoleon (1769-1821) taken on the day of his death on St Helena (05/05/1821) by Antommarchi.

Fan in leopard skin. Handle and strap in leather.
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