Sun dial, inclining, silver scale, below is a brass compass with two small spirit levels. Signed Dollond, London. Used by Robert Wilson in his Eastern travels, 1820-1823. Label attached to the instrument states the importance of keeping the small…
Rectangular stone panel with high relief erotic carving: 6 bays divided by 5 pillars with total of 8 figures. Figures grouped as 3 single (2 female, other indistinct) alternating with 3 pairs, each male and female. Frieze above or plantlike motifs,…
Black plate, white ink ' No. 560903 / MADE IN ENGLAND '. On 3 adjustable feet. Circular brass rim with scale from 0 - 360. Two tubes, one with eyepiece, the other with a scale from 0 - 50 in divisions of 2.
Grey metal plate ' UNIVERSITY SPECTROMETER / No. 96978 MADE IN ENGLAND. ' With logo. One fixed and one adjustable tube with eyepiece. Scale on fixed tube: 150 - 0 - 150. Rotatable sample platform