Browse Items (3311 total)

Carved chalk, stylised human head, phallic shape, planes of face carved, features incised and drilled. Traces of blue pigment and red pigment.

Bronze figure of Neith, seated, illegible inscription on footstool. Reid (1912): 'Neith was ... always represented in human form wearing the crown of Lower Egypt

Uzat or Sacred Eye in blue glazed ware

scarab heart scarab.jpg
Heart scarab, uninscribed, in brown stone, hole for suspension.

Kneeling figure of Isis and Nephthys.jpg
Wooden figure of Isis (imperfect), kneeling, originally painted.

Kneeling figure of Isis and Nephthys.jpg
Wooden figure of Nephthys (imperfect), kneeling, originally painted

Distaff, decorated with incised floral and geometrical designs in wood dated 1915. Pindus Mountains, Greece.

Triangular shape, made from a square folded over and stitched, with cord of plaited threads for suspension.

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Necklace/pendant: chain and loop decoration with many loops. Prison work. Coloured beads (black, white, red) set out as one red bead between two white beads at the end of each loop.
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