Goliath in fantastic armour, facing, head right. Right hand is outstretched, while holding an elaborate halberd in left hand. Eagle-butted sword at waist, blue armour, and has a red kirtle. David dressed in pseudo Roman armour and red cloak, while…
Large oil painting which is part of a series of five canvases which would seem to have been made as some sort of celebration of kingship, possibly in relation to the visit of Charles II
Large oil painting which is part of a series of five canvases which would seem to have been made as some sort of celebration of kingship, possibly in relation to the visit of Charles II
Large oil painting which is part of a series of five canvases which would seem to have been made as some sort of celebration of kingship, possibly in relation to the visit of Charles II
1/2 portrait of Queen Anne, near facing, ovate mount, crowned, with pearl necklace at throat and earrings, gold embroidered undergarment at breast. Also brown robe, ermine trim, clasped at breast by large gold and sapphire brooch. Copy after the…
1/2 portrait of Prince George of Denmark, in oval surround, facing, wearing armour and red robe trimmed with ermine, green sash over left shoulder, white scarf at throat, shoulder length grey hair and short clipped moustache. Knights notes: ' 5th…