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Painted portrait of a White woman with curly hair and small, pursed red lips. She is wearing delicate patterned fabrics and holds a book and sceptre.
Bronze bust of a laughing Black woman.
Wooden sculpture of a womans face, with yellow skin, eyes strongly outlined in black, and a headdress.
A medal. On one side is the profile of a large man with handsome features, curly hair and plate armour. On the reverse, the same face appears on an extremely muscley naked figure wearing a lions pelt. He is rescuing a woman bearing the Union flag on a shield from a monstrous humanoid.
A small, dark wooden sculpture of a head with arms held out in front and hands together. The nose and lower face protrude in an exaggerated manner. It has a hat, eyes of mother of pearl, and pierced ears.
A cylindrical mirror standing on a distorted illustration of a face in profile. The illustration is stretched out around a circle, but appears to look normal in the mirrors reflection.
Six faces. A face judged to be highly trustworthy is feminine, young, smiling; untrustworthy is masculine, frowning. Highly dominant is a middle aged masculine face with angular features, un-dominant is a round, feminine face. A face judged as attractive is a young feminine one, and a face judged as unattractive is an elderly feminine one.
Computer generated grey faces. The faces judged to be trustworthy have wide eyes, high eyebrows and round features. The faces judged to be untrustworthy are more angular, with smaller eyes and lower brows.
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