Browse Items (3311 total)

Fragment of statuette; traces of red pigment on headdress.

Fragment of statuette.

Moulded red clay, constructed as a plaque, female figurine with headdress, necklace and baby on her back.

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Figurine in red pottery of female holding a child; style known as the Mexican Madonna.

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Fragments (2) with list of foods offered to the deceased, in relief, black, red, green, and blue colours well preserved.

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Wooden board carved with 12 circular depressions, two half-circular depressions, to hold seeds. Used in the game 'kyngee bel' or 'keya' or 'wari-wari' played all over West Africa.

Harp with wooden frame, strings in 'tie-tie' and a gourd acting as resonator.

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Hawaiian war-god, in basketwork, decorated with red and black feathers, and dog teeth.

Leather cap (bearskin or buckskin?) with silk ribbon, and beaded scalp-lock ornaments.

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Wooden house board, carved and painted in red, white and black, motif: scroll pattern and dolphins.
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