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Collection: Striking Impressions
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Page from a book with example caricature faces demonstrating different shapes. Dotted lines in sharp, straight or curved shapes form the profiles of the faces to which features are added.
Page from a book with a large detailed illustration of a human skull in profile, captioned From a mound on the upper Mississippi.
Coloured print. A huge crowd of people carrying flags jostle for attention in an old city street. They people appear to be mostly working class; most are wearing simple work clothes. There are multiple people with disabilities using crutches. Eccentric characters include a Scotsman with a kilt, a devil, someone with a black mask, a man wearing two hats, a large woman with keys and scissors and a child with an oversized top hat. The flags all have words relating to various popular causes and fads or the names of charitable organisations. Piled up in a rubbish heap are works of literature and philosophy by writers such as Shakespeare and Kant.
Page of a book with an illustration of a human skull. The skull has irregularly shaped and numbered areas marked out on the upper part.
A print which depicts a row of scholars linking arms while another scholar speaks from a podium. The scholars are mostly dressed in black gowns with square caps, but some have an absurd appearance. One is depicted as a skeleton with a scythe, another wears all tartan and wields a polearm, and another has a large conical hat with an orb and cross on top.
An enormous, round, shapeless head without a face, wearing laurels.
A roughly drawn sketch of Hogarth's picture of John Wilkes, emphasising the picture's crossed eyes and crooked mouth.
A well dressed man and woman next to a mirror and some makeup. They have enormous, styled hair put in large curls with feathers sticking out. The man is combing the woman's hair.
Painting of Napoleon Bonaparte in imperial costume with golden laurels on his head. He faces the viewer with his piercing grey eyes, square brows, high forehead and strong, angular nose and lips.
Caricature of Napoleon Bonaparte. He is depicted as a small man with an oversized hat, bulging eyes, beak-like nose, a gaping mouth with curled lips, and his chin curves upwards.
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