Print. Titled The Sapient Septemviri, the print depicts a row of scholars linking arms while another scholar speaks from a podium. The scholars are mostly dressed in black gowns with square caps, but some have an absurd appearance. One is depicted as a skeleton with a scythe, another wears all tartan and wields a polearm, and another has a large conical hat with an orb and cross on top.
Engraving, caricature portrait of King's College Staff in various guises (minister, death, pope, highlander, and 4 in academic robes) standing on tiled floor with the steeples of King's College and St Machar's behind (at the time of a proposed union with Marischal College). Inscriptions read: '1. The Beauty of Holiness Lecturing. 2. Had you not sold your patronages, First Minister might have been annexed to my Divine Chair of Verity & Taste. 3. Annually for 45 years and upwards have I beat up, even to Ultima Thule have I recruited our University. 4. I have rendered Vernacular the Greek Language from Aberdour to Aberdeen. 5. Agriculture is the Noblest of Sciences, mind your Glebes, the Emperor of China is a Farmer. 6. Has not the Effulgence of my countenance been a light unto your feet, and a lamp unto your Paths. 7. College property, Patronages are unalienable, so says the Law, the Noble Patron has rewarded most justly your rapacity. 8. Degrees male and female in Medecine and Midwifery, sold here for ready money. The Sapient Septemviri, King's College Aberdeen.'
Inscription: Signed bottom left: H Jack
Inscription: Signed bottom left: H Jack
Early: 1786 Late: 1786
ink paper, Engraving printing, H: 315 mm W: 370 mm Th: | H: 190 mm W: 210 mm
Europe, Scotland, North East, Aberdeen
Physical Object