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Collection: Striking Impressions
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Engraving of two large men, one with a fox head who sits on Pandoras Box, sharing a bowl of soup. One says My dear Reynard you are welcome to a spoonful - Be cautious! a little of my broth goes a great way. Tis damned high seasoned. Look at my cook he and my friend... hum! with the consent of the... hum, did both... hum the Nation. The fox headed man says Blow hot! Blow cold! He he he! With the self same breath my Lord. Give me a sup of your soup. I have often cooled your porridge my lord! Hay? He he he! Meanwhile, a devil stokes the fire beneath a pot of soup and says God save great George our king, god bless our noble king, god damn the broth it will never boil.
Four men with large bellies, large eyes and protruding lower lips carry full sacks into an office and say Mr Mayor, we have brought great quantities of corn to market and no body will buy, we request your advice what to do with it. The mayor, a smug looking figure in a red and gold coat, replies Do with it? why, as you have done, Keep it!! His assistant holds up a paper saying Ordered the price of bread to be lowered one half tomorrow. Out the window can be seen a cart piled with sacks labelled To go back no purchasers and a labourer saying Dang it, if I did not think it would come to this at last.
Engraving of a man in profile, wearing laurels. He has a large eye and a beak-like nose. In the background is a classical column.
Engraving of a tall, slender man with a wig, crossed eyes and an overbite who sits grinning in a chair, holding a stick which has a cap labelled LIBERTY on top of it. He wears a coat with large cuffs and sits with quill and ink next to news sheets titled North Briton number 17 and 45.
Coloured print. A cruel looking bald man, Tom Nero, is held by a crowd carrying pitchforks. A murdered woman lies on the ground with a bundle of stolen items. Members of the crowd hold up a knife and letter from the murdered woman which incriminate Nero.
Coloured print. A female model poses among classical style statues. A small old man grins at her lecherously as he creates a small sculpture of the model as a goddess.
Page of a book with recipes for A water to take away pimples, Powder for taking freckles off, Red pomatum for the lips, Hungary water.
Silhouette of face in profile. Lines are drawn between various points such as the tip of the nose and chin, and the nose and highest part of the forehead. Points where lines meet at an angle are marked.
A colourful humanoid face with a huge nose and grinning mouth. Three cobras painted with black, yellow, red, white and blue patterns emerge from its forehead.
Leopard mask with bulging eyes, black and red spots, and enormous sharp teeth.
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