Four men with large bellies, large eyes and protruding lower lips carry full sacks into an office and say Mr Mayor, we have brought great quantities of corn to market and no body will buy, we request your advice what to do with it. The mayor, a smug looking figure in a red and gold coat, replies Do with it? why, as you have done, Keep it!! His assistant holds up a paper saying Ordered the price of bread to be lowered one half tomorrow. Out the window can be seen a cart piled with sacks labelled To go back no purchasers and a labourer saying Dang it, if I did not think it would come to this at last.


Four men with large bellies, large eyes and protruding lower lips carry full sacks into an office and say Mr Mayor, we have brought great quantities of corn to market and no body will buy, we request your advice what to do with it. The mayor, a smug looking figure in a red and gold coat, replies Do with it? why, as you have done, Keep it!! His assistant holds up a paper saying Ordered the price of bread to be lowered one half tomorrow. Out the window can be seen a cart piled with sacks labelled To go back no purchasers and a labourer saying Dang it, if I did not think it would come to this at last.

