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Why did Ancient Egyptian mummify the dead?

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The living world mirrored the world of the dead. The mummified body was the anchor between two worlds, allowing the dead person to exist in the afterlife. Rituals and performances in this world could affect the dead.

A person’s body consisted of physical parts and also immaterial parts. After death, part of the deceased went to the gods in the sky, and part of the deceased went to the ‘Fields of Reeds’, an underworld which was like a pleasant life on earth, while the physical body was preserved in the tomb.

The loss of a person’s name or mummy threatened their soul’s survival after death. If your name was forgotten in this world, then you would disappear from the underworld too. If someone’s mummy was destroyed, or if they could not be mummified because their body was missing, they were also in danger of vanishing from the afterlife. Thus it was important to make offerings to the dead and to repeat their names in the world of the living.

In considering the ethics of putting Ta-Kheru’s remains on display, we should remember that she would have feared being completely forgotten, and would have wanted her name and her mummy to survive. She is remembered 2700 years after her death, longer than most of her contemporaries. We have invoked her name deliberately in this exhibition.

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The judgement of the dead

Before the soul could go to the ‘Fields of Reeds’, the deceased person’s heart would be weighed by the gods to see if they had lived a good life and kept to the ethical norms known as ma’at. This papyrus shows Osiris, god of the underworld, as the judge presiding over a jury of gods. Ammit, the Devourer of the Dead, waits to devour the dead person’s soul if the judgement is unfavourable. Ammit is a creature combining aspects of a crocodile, a hippopotamus and a lion.

Book of the Dead image

Papyrus of Osiris

From the collections of the University of Aberdeen


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Why Mummify the Dead?