Collecting the world
Collecting the world
Collection Items
sculpture bust (Robert William Reid)
Marble bust (on a marble plinth) of Robert William Reid, MD, LLD, FRCS, Regius Professor of Anatomy, University of Aberdeen, 1889-1925. Bust stands at the top of Marischal Museum staircase.Inscription: On plinth: Robert William Reid M. D., L. L. D.,…
picture painting (James Keith)
Oil painting, portrait, near full, armoured, light dress sword, R hand on helmet and holding Marshall's baton. Keith (1696-1758), MA Marischal College 1715. This portrait is glazed. Inscription: On back: pinct a Paris par B Belle 1724. Name plate on…
picture painting (Thomas Gordon)
Oil painting, 3/4 portrait of Thomas Gordon of Cairness wearing Greek General's uniform, R arm outstretched, 2 medals on l breast. B/g Greek landscape. Gordon was a Major-General in the Greek army during the war of independence from the Ottoman…
picture painting (Archibald Forbes)
Oil painting, 3/4 portrait, standing, facing. Short greying brown hair, walrus moustache, wears olive drab trenchcoat, white scarf, arms behind back holding papers. Plate reads 'Archibald Forbes LLD AFTER H Von HERKOMER', so possibly a copy. Herkomer…
Pictish.stone cross.slab
This cross fragment and its base were found in a pile of stones near the Cairn o Mount. Other crosses are known from Deeside, while the pattern on the cross shaft is similar to some in the 9th century Book of Deer. The red sandstone from which they…