Collecting the world


Collecting the world

Collection Items

Warded key.

 sculpture bust (Robert William Reid)
Marble bust (on a marble plinth) of Robert William Reid, MD, LLD, FRCS, Regius Professor of Anatomy, University of Aberdeen, 1889-1925. Bust stands at the top of Marischal Museum staircase.Inscription: On plinth: Robert William Reid M. D., L. L. D.,…

 picture painting (James Keith)
Oil painting, portrait, near full, armoured, light dress sword, R hand on helmet and holding Marshall's baton. Keith (1696-1758), MA Marischal College 1715. This portrait is glazed. Inscription: On back: pinct a Paris par B Belle 1724. Name plate on…

picture painting (Thomas Gordon)
Oil painting, 3/4 portrait of Thomas Gordon of Cairness wearing Greek General's uniform, R arm outstretched, 2 medals on l breast. B/g Greek landscape. Gordon was a Major-General in the Greek army during the war of independence from the Ottoman…

picture painting (Archibald Forbes)
Oil painting, 3/4 portrait, standing, facing. Short greying brown hair, walrus moustache, wears olive drab trenchcoat, white scarf, arms behind back holding papers. Plate reads 'Archibald Forbes LLD AFTER H Von HERKOMER', so possibly a copy. Herkomer…

 Pictish.stone symbol.stone
triple disc crescent & V-rod

Pictish.stone cross.slab
This cross fragment and its base were found in a pile of stones near the Cairn o Mount. Other crosses are known from Deeside, while the pattern on the cross shaft is similar to some in the 9th century Book of Deer. The red sandstone from which they…

symbol.stone Pictish.stone
incised serpent Z-rod arch mirror comb

symbol.stone Pictish.stone
incised mirror-case, goose & double-disc

symbol.stone Pictish.stone
Type: Class 1. Front: double-disc & Z-rod Back: flower & mirror & comb

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