coffee roaster


coffee roaster



Black cylindrical coffee container with sliding plate to cover entrance. Rod through centre with sharp end.


L: 592 mm W: 104 mm




Hasluck, Margaret


metal iron


Urns were the dominant type of pottery used in burials, usually of a cremated body, during the early Bronze Age, about 1450-1250BC. They are found both in cemeteries and as secondary burials in barrows, often with the base uppermost, and may be accompanied by other grave goods. An urn is tall with a flat, often very narrow base, and may be decorated. There are two separate urn traditions, collared and cordoned urns. This is a Secondary Series, South Eastern Style, Form IA, medium sized cinerary urn. It has a tapering, barrel-shaped body and is collared. The collar is decorated with impressed cord lines between which are diagonals. The flattened rim is also decorated. A cordon runs below the collar. The urn was found at Howford Farm, Strichen Aberdeenshire, in a bank, inverted over the cremated remains of more than two individuals, one of whom was over twenty years old, and another of two years.