Coloured print. A pistol duel between a giant goose with a man's head and a man carrying a giant pair of shears. They shoot each other in the leg. The goose says What must I be out! and a tailor get in to Parliament! You're a liar! I never said that I would sit as chairman on your shop board! His opponent says A liar! Sir I'm a Taylor and a gentleman! And I must have satisfaction! Papers litter the ground saying Sir Francis Gooses letter to the electors at the Crown and Anchor, Mr Paul's advertisements, Dangers of indulging political envy, Cobbetts character or Paul the Taylor May 2nd 1807, Westminster election Paul. The print is captioned Patriots deciding a point of honour! or an exact representation of the celebrated rencontre which took place at Combe Wood on May 2nd 1807 between little Paul the Taylor and Sir Francis Goose.


Coloured print. A pistol duel between a giant goose with a man's head and a man carrying a giant pair of shears. They shoot each other in the leg. The goose says What must I be out! and a tailor get in to Parliament! You're a liar! I never said that I would sit as chairman on your shop board! His opponent says A liar! Sir I'm a Taylor and a gentleman! And I must have satisfaction! Papers litter the ground saying Sir Francis Gooses letter to the electors at the Crown and Anchor, Mr Paul's advertisements, Dangers of indulging political envy, Cobbetts character or Paul the Taylor May 2nd 1807, Westminster election Paul. The print is captioned Patriots deciding a point of honour! or an exact representation of the celebrated rencontre which took place at Combe Wood on May 2nd 1807 between little Paul the Taylor and Sir Francis Goose.

