Engraving. Three men look at a distraught fourth man as a demon carrying a map of America farts and flies away. The first man, who is plump and has a bucket shaped hat, says De donder take you monsieur, I think I have paid the piper. The second is handsome and has a rapier and a feather in his broad brimmed hat. He taps on the third mans shoulder and says See Gibraltar! See Don Langara! by S Anthony you have made me the Laughing Stock of Europe. The third man is absurdly thin with an exaggerated long pointy face. He offers the fourth snuff and says Ah ah me lord Angla, volez vous une pince de snuff, for de diable will not give you back de Amerique. The fourth man, large and tired, looks up at the devil and stands beside a broken anchor. He holds his hands up in despair and says Tis lost! Irrecoverably lost! From between the demons buttocks come the words Poor John Bull! Ha ha ha!