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University Collections
Striking Impressions
Striking Impressions
Collection Items
Highly stylised human figure with a large head cocked at an angle, huge eyes, nose and open mouth. Made of polished, translucent green stone with mother of pearl eyes.
Head of a bearded man sticking his tongue out, with large eyes, cheeks and nose. Made of ceramic coloured deep blue.
Coloured print of a large grinning man wearing a tricorn hat and ringing a bell. He has large eyebrows and stubble.
Woman with a round forehead, pointed nose and prominent cheek bones.
Woman with soft features, a large pointed nose and a smile.
Woman with a well defined nose and cheeks and a high round forehead.
Woman with a round chin and upturned nose and large eyes looking upward.
Woman with a long wrinkled face, angular nose and chin, and a stern expression.
Woman with a round face and large, vacant eyes.
Man with a wide face, long ears, large nose, wrinkles around his winking eyes and a crooked grin.
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